
Your need for validation is why you’re stuck. If getting people to like what you create or sell is what motivates what you’re doing then you’re not free and neither is what you create. Niggas already weird and they want all the notoriety so they can continue to be weird on a larger scale. It’s not about the art it’s about their insecurities. I think niggas don’t want a better life. They only want a better life if niggas know who they are in the process. Niggas move with the mentality of they rather people see them and make 75,000 instead of people not knowing who the fuck they are and making 750,000. 

All the anxiety, fear, creative ruts people have or feel frequently is because they’re thinking about how people will react to it rather than not giving a fuck and doing it for themselves. I don’t give a fuck who reads what I write. I’m doing this shit for me and I enjoy it. If you like it or read it that’s a cherry on top. I guess because no matter how I feel writing seems to bring me peace and understanding. 

This is why niggas never have anytime for themselves and are unable to make time for themselves because people validation is on their schedule every fucking day. You’ll always feel there isn’t enough time when you’re always trying to please everyone. Half the people you trying to please don’t even fucking like you to begin with. Some don’t even know you exist. I am truly convinced that the more you create for validation the more you start to see that you don’t think you’re good enough. 

When you seek validation or acceptance it’s actually harder for you to be seen. You actually shrink. No validation is going to matter until you validate yourself. How much acceptance do you need? What will be enough? From a celebrity? From a family member? What happens after that? Does your big break happen? No. People will say what they say positive or negative and it’s just gonna be you alone, looking like Will Smith in Uncle Phil empty ass living room. You’ll still have work to do. You still have room for improvement. The validation won’t open the doors for you. Your talent, consistency to smart work,  creating the best work humanly possible, and trust in your ability will open the doors. 

This habit of validation is difficult for a lot of us to quit because the majority of us were raised to always be aware of what people thought about us and our work. It’s like the people that create for approval or create for stature are similar to someone who will cancel plans because someone backs out to hang with them and they refuse to go places by themselves. Why can’t you go alone? You don’t need company to have fun. Who cares who’s all going to the function. If it interest you then go. What you create is supposed to be your peace not your prison. So if it’s becoming stressful it’s because you’re trying to impress people and you place external thoughts of your work above your own. I’ve had deadlines before and even if the project is very important and my reputation is on the line I never stressed out. I know what I’m going to deliver. I’m not doing this for anybody to approve it or co sign it. If I fail I fail but losses aren’t set in stone unless you want them to be. Get back in the winners circle and move on. 

The people who do create things for other people and are successful doing so is because they’re doing it in the realm of selflessness. The willingness to help people surpasses the need for retweets, or how many units they sold, or who really fucks with them or not. They don’t care. They just give a fuck about kindness. This art is for you, do what you want with it, you don’t have to praise me because it wasn’t created for that. It was created to help people. That’s what kindness is. Doing good deeds without expecting anything in return. 

I believe that the overall reason why validation is needed in so many people lives is that they truly don’t create what they’re feeling. Go create what you’re feeling. Don’t create things and say “I want people to feel sadness.” People aren’t dumb they can feel if you’re TRYING to make them feel sadness. People can tell when creativity has artificial ingredients in it. People can feel force. Create what you feel and let the spectators choose how they want to feel. Everything is flow. So if you feel sad and you create something beautiful from your sadness and someone sees what you created and they’re not sad when they see it but instead they’re happy, it doesn’t mean what you created and the feelings you experienced creating it wasn’t real. The person who saw what you created could’ve remembered sadness in their past and thought about where they are today and how far they’ve come and that made them happy. When the validation is removed from the equation you’ll understand that your feelings matter. 

The only validation you chase is within yourself and that’s your business. 


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