
The goal is always to live like no one else. When you down bad you gotta live like no one else. When you up you gotta live like no one else. If you live like no one else now you’ll live like no one else later. It’s as simple as predicting a Tyler Perry movie ending. 

Hard work is the Tim Duncan of society. Watching Tim Duncan play is some of the most boring shit I’ve ever experienced in my life. No flash. No flare. Just buckets off the glass. Timmy got 5 NBA Championships though. Timmy got MVP’s. Nobody wants to see hard work. Hard work is not box office. Hard work isn’t flashy. If you don’t want to watch something then you won’t want to try it. That’s why people stay away from hard work. It’s boring. But you notice that no one ever says that hard work doesn’t get the job done. That’s like me trying to solve a problem and the solution is right in front of me but I say “This solution isn’t fun. Let me try the wrong answer since the wrong answer is more fun and let the problem remain unsolved.” Then we complain about the situation. You hustling backwards.

Sacrifice and hard work is very unusual to people. It’s different. When something is different it’s hard for some to accept. It’s hard to stay in on weekends to build your business. It’s hard to drive past Chipotle and go home and eat a salad instead. It’s hard to wake up early. It’s hard to pay all your bills early instead of spending money on shit you want for yourself. Everything that’s easy don’t benefit you all. It feels good but you don’t benefit you in the long run. Cocaine probably feels fucking awesome when you do it. I’ll never fucking know but I’m sure the high feels good when it’s at it’s peak but what happens after that? You crash and become an addict. 

The reason why all the most beneficial shit for your life is hard for us to do is because it’s actually FOR YOU and no one else. The easy shit we do we always put that out there so other people can see. If people can’t see it then people feel it’s not valid. Like I said you don’t see people post pictures of their budget. You don’t see people post the bad shit when they’re struggling. You may get the annual struggle post on instagram with like 93 fucking paragraphs in the caption explaining their struggle. I’m not a fan of it because it’s super dramatic and I’m not a dramatic ass dude but sometimes it’s genuine so I’m not tripping off it. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People will rather look good and live bad. It’s a disease. If you ain’t got it you ain’t got it and it’s okay as long as you accept it and take the necessary steps to change your life. Those shoes you can’t afford. Doesn’t matter if the money is in your account that doesn’t mean you can afford it. You can’t afford to travel. Sit the fuck down. It’s okay to drive a car that doesn’t look good especially if it’s paid off. Why in the fuck would you go take on a loan for a new car? If you can’t buy it straight up with no note then you can’t afford it. If you have to pay installments for years that means you can’t afford it. It’s simple math. The people who are willing to drive old cars to make sure grands are in all their accounts are the winners. Those are the people who are willing to live like no one else now to live like no one else in the future. 

I used to question if I was emotionless. I have a stand off-ish personality. I’m only emotional about creating things. Everything else I’m just quiet, chilling, in my own world. I don’t talk a lot because I’m careful about what I say. What I realized is that everyone is acting on emotion. Literally everyone and I’m always the person that looks at shit logically. Yes the things we think off of emotion is fun but it doesn’t make any fucking sense. A simple example is me drinking my ass off because I had a rough day. That’s an emotional decision. The liquor would just make shit worse and make me run away from actually sitting down and thinking about where did my day go wrong and what can I do to fix it. 

You can’t complain about not receiving blessings if you’re not willing to make room for improvement in your life. Your life is literally cluttered with dumb shit that doesn’t matter and you know it. Where would you put the blessings if they came? You have no room for them and you’re refusing to make room. All the answers are in front of you. You just don’t want to see them. The real accepts and applies. The delusional sees and deflects. Pain is pain but ask yourself this. In the long run Is it more painful to change now or is it more painful to stay the same? Which will be more painful in the future?  Live like no one else today so you can live like no one else tomorrow. 


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