


Multi tasking is like always trying to cook 5 different meals at the same time for 5 different families in 5 different settings or places. 2 of those 5 meals might come out okay but the other 3 won’t be as great. You won’t be consistently good working that way. 

What if you made the same meal for all 5 families? Only thing you would have to worry about is the quantity of ingredients. From there you can just focus on this ONE dinner and put all of your skill and energy into that dinner. The probability of that dinner being great 10 out of 10 times is high. 

I have a lot on my plate. I’ve always known this but with becoming a father reality has set in on how taxing it can be. I’m working on a book (For real this time), I have 2 podcasts, write for this blog, work 2 jobs, researching about music, and other projects I’m starting. Something has to go. I have to focus on one thing. I’ll fuck around and destroy everything I worked for trying to do everything at once. 

In Rocky 3 Rocky Balboa had the biggest win and loss of his career against Klubber Lang. After beating Apollo Creed in their rematch Rocky was pulled in every direction and the one thing he was good at he started to distance himself from. In his first fight against Klubber Lang Rocky got his ass beat quick and in embarrassing fashion. Apollo helped Rocky regroup and Rocky won the second match against Klubber soundly. In Rocky 4, Rocky used the same tactic against Ivan Drago. He accepted the fight after Ivan killed Apollo in the ring and Rocky moved his training to Russia in a cabin in the woods away from civilization and trained. In both films Rocky focused on ONE thing and that was BATTLE. Nothing else mattered but training for that battle. No distractions. Just focus on boxing. 

I know we all want to be great multiple things because we have so many interests, myself included but what good is being a jack of all trades if those skills don’t have a foundation to exist on. All things that have multiple services or skills can be traced back to their foundation. For example my two podcasts TreeVilla Records and Polite Coolery can be traced back to writing. My writing is the reason for their existence. 

If you ever read the book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell one of the most popular topics of the book is the 10,000 hour rule. Almost every successful artist refers to this. You have to put in your 10,000 hours to master something. 10,000 hours is a lot. You can’t complete that in a year. Fastest time frame you could complete it is in 5 years. Healthiest time frame is 7-10 years. Now look at those 10,000 hours while looking at multitasking. How can you master something when your attention is on multiple things? You can’t master 4 things at once. Cash in your 10,000 hours into the thing that makes you the happiest and what you enjoy the most out of all your options. I rather be a master of one thing that good at a bunch of other shit. 

The hardest part about not multitasking is telling yourself no. It’s like how you keep buying books but there’s 10 books on your shelf that you haven’t read or probably read 10% of. In case you’re wondering this book example is about me. I do that shit all the fucking time and of course none of the books I’ve completed. If I just focused on one at a time. I’d not only would I save myself a headache but I would complete the book quicker. You waste time when you multitask. I’m sure there’s a study about this. You can look it up cause I’m too lazy to do it but I’m sure it’s less productive if you attempt to multitask instead of focusing on one task at a time. I’m sure you lose quality of production and overall production.  Anything being balanced will always lead to stress. Imagine if you had to always balance your body while walking? It would get very annoying. It’s not about being able to do multiple tasks it’s about is it ever worth it in the long run. 

Multitasking is for hoes. Multitasking is just overconfident panicking. Majority of the time the people who multitask are in fear of losing something so they feel they have to do it all. It’s overcompensation that isn’t even needed. What we should all work on is prioritizing one thing that’s aligned with our goals and values and once that’s completed we move on to the next thing to put all our focus on. 

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